With the whole town in an "All-Star" dizzy, what's a horror fan who's NOT into hockey supposed to do?
Well, the good folks at the Ottawa Goth Syndicate have a great idea - The Red Death Masquerade and The Aftermath.
The Masquerade starts tonight at 9PM at the Kent St. Legion 330 Kent St. Great DJ's, Rue Morgue's Liisa Ladouceur, and a costume contest are all part of the night. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door. All the details can be found at the OGS site. Tickets to the Masquerade ALSO include entry to... The Aftermath.

Didn't go to the Masquerade? Entry to The Aftermath is a measly $2.00 - well worth it.
Need more encouragement? Well how about this... Alliance Films has given us ANOTHER 5 double passes to the Woman in Black to give away at the Aftermath. Anyone who stops by the OH booth and fills out a ballot will be entered into a draw to win a prize pack including the double pass, an Ottawa Horror DVD and an Ottawa Horror T-Shirt.
See you there!