Zombie Beauty Contest Shakeup

Final thoughts first, we need to have more of these Zombie Beauty Contests. Oh yes. If we use our brains, I am sure we could scare up some sponsors and hold another closer to Halloween.

So, sandwiched in between two visits to the Mayfair to see Father's Day we had a different kind of event to attend. I had been invited to judge a Zombie Beauty Contest alongside my pals, the Zombie King and Zombie Queen of zombieinfo.com.

The Alice Hearts Welsh Zombies book launch and signing was what brought this wonderful day to Collected Works Bookstore. More information of the book and authors lives on Victoria Dunn's facebook, the AHWS website and some preview on zombieinfo.com ~ check back there for the book review too.

The bookstore was packed, which is to be expected for such an extravaganza. The reading was comedic and engaging, and so was the food. Bone pretzels. Finger cookies. Brainmelon. Then of course, the main event and book signing were beasts of their own.

Full disclosure.. and I do mean Full... one of the authors works there, I had my signing there, Chris Carroll is my pal and best latte-making shelf monkey around, one of the winners was our own lovely Amy Jane and the Mr. Zombie winner can also be seen in our coverage of Zombie Walk 2011 and the wonderful Zombie Couple we initially met at The Aftermath, an Ottawa Goth event. So. I gotta say, it's a pretty small town, this city of one million souls! Honestly, I had fingers crossed for stiff competition. That competition simply failed to materialize... or shamble in, as the case may be. Just more reasons to hold another since you have no idea how fun and theatrical this competition was!

Splatterpictures was in attendance, as well as Brian of Tooma Productions who took wonderful images on our behalf. All winners are invited to order prints of their official photos if they wish, just contact Tooma via facebook. You can also see more images of the attendees, zombies, authors and their publisher from The Workhorsery.

This all happened to go on during Save The Bookstores, which was a global event which I covered at typicallydia and ended up with mention in Publishers Weekly. Please do support our independents! Faithful readers know that's what makes Ottawa Horror go 'round, right? Indie filmmakers, bands, authors, artists. Head to Collected Works for a copy of Alice Hearts Welsh Zombies, or for gorier fare, a copy of Nightface.

Amy Jane Von Purr - Ms. Zombie and Zombie Supreme Winner

After sign-up and all of the amazing contestants had said their piece, we were greeted by the show-stopping sight of the most dashing and wonderful zombie couple ever. Of course, I greeted them and apologized in my way (with curses and balled fists) and retired with the ballots to make the final decision as to who would walk away with the grand prize. Good thing we are a democratic trio: the first vote was 'shall we ignore the rules?'.

Is the Zombie King known for his quiet, simple and rule-following nature? No! Not at all. While polite as a devil, he was the ringleader of anarchy in the Deliberation Chamber. Hence, the winners, thus;

Zombie Junior Winner
Mr. Zombie Winner

Zombie Couple Winners 

One last little detail. For Arrogant Worm and book trailer fans, here was the special treat that some missed by heading out for fresh air after prizes were awarded. All in all, it was an amazing weekend of bloody delights. I will hopefully be following this up with a nice relaxing read ~


The walk-in Zombie couple definitely deserved the prize! Zombie rules were meant to be bent, broken and then fed upon their brains, right? Super huge congrats to all! What a wonderful event.