Note - I have become a reviewer for ECW Press and will be posting more about horror books from now on. I know it's not specifically related to Ottawa, but books can be read anywhere, right?!
Now for the review:
I picked up this book on my way out the door to the bus and by the time I reached my destination I was on page 90. I finished it that night because of how easy and compelling a read it was. It is a very fun ride!
This was a solid story with very interesting characters who make the book very enjoyable. The only part of the book I didn't like was the ending. It didn't explain what affliction was hitting Ann's family members or how they originally were infected. That being said, it was as if you got a short glimpse into the lives of 3 people for a set number of days and nothing more, no explanations, no excuses, and an abrupt ending. This is an interesting style that leaves you wanting more and sad that there was nothing more.
Also, I rarely comment about book covers, but I really like how it was done! Very nice style and I love the invisible/visible script.
I would recommend this book to anyone really. I didn't find it scary like other reviews suggested, but maybe my familiarity with horror makes me desensitized. This is a great quick read!