Everybody, everybody, get down, get
down now – to the Club Saw gallery on Nicholas Street to watch
Necromerchant's Payment; Ottawa's
Repo! The Genetic Opera shadowcast.
If you haven't yet experienced being inside a movie, then you need to
see this one-of-a-kind show.

It's hard to describe the
performance without giving too much away - trust me, you'll want to go in fresh. Part of what makes The
Necromerchant's Payment cast so fantastic is that every show is just
a little bit different; there's always something new. Each time you
visit, you might be watching the same movie, but you'll be never see the exact same thing twice.
I'll warn you now though: this show,
much like zydrate, is highly addictive.

And... what was that? My favourite part of the
Repo! Shadowcast, you ask? Audience participation. Anyone can get a
bunch of people to sit still in chairs and watch what's happening in
front of them. The cast of The Necromerchant's Payment brings not
only the movie, but the audience to life as they actively encourage
the crowd to sing along, get up on the stage, dance, and of course,
shout inappropriate comments at the screen.

If you need something to do on the
first Friday of every month... actually, scratch that. Blow off any
plans you have on the first Friday of every month and come see The
Necromerchant's Payment instead.
S-s-s-stand up, don't be shy!
Everybody, everybody, TESTIFY!
When: The first Friday of every month. Doors at 8:00 pm, show starts at 9:00 pm and runs until 11:00 pm.
You can "like" their group on Facebook for regular updates as well (under The Necromerchant's Payment).
Thanks for reading! :D
for updates on our show!