Some bits and body parts found trolling the Weird Wide Web this week:
The good folks are Rue Morgue continue their quest to bring all the best horror you wouldn't normally see to the multiplexes of the world. This time it's "The Conjuring" on July 17th at SilverCity in Gloucester. You can enter here.

Ya, ya, so I'm a couple of days late... The good folks at have compiled a nice little list of 15 Canadian Horror Films you must see... While a few are pretty loosely Canadian, I tend to agree with their choices. What do you think?
I know all my Ottawa Filmmaker friends are fond of these sort of things. This one is sponsored by IndieHorror.TV, and looks pretty fun. Details are here.
And of course, we're presenting "The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh" tonight and tomorrow night at 9:15PM at the Mayfair Theatre!
Win Passes to The Conjuring
Happy Canada Day! 15 Best Canadian Horror Films

Ya, ya, so I'm a couple of days late... The good folks at have compiled a nice little list of 15 Canadian Horror Films you must see... While a few are pretty loosely Canadian, I tend to agree with their choices. What do you think?